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Introduction Conference Topic Target Group and Call for Papers Venue and Bookings Programme Proceedings

EASY-ECO Manchester Conference


Chancellors Conference Centre is within easy access of Manchester city centre, in the grounds of the Victorian residence previously occupied by University Vice-Chancellors. The original building is incorporated into the modern conference and hotel facilities.


conference fee: £200

You can book

  • residential attendance (15, 16, 17 June 2005)
    with 2 nights' en-suite accommodation and dinner (on 15 and 16 June 2005):
    £410.00 (approx. €586)
  • non-residential attendance (15, 16, 17 June 2005)
    with dinner on 15 and 16 June 2005:
    £250.00 (approx. €357)
  • non-residential attendance (15, 16, 17 June 2005)
    without dinner (conference fee only):
    £200.00 (approx. €286)

If you wish to attend for less than the full conference please contact Debra Whitehead (debra.whitehead@manchester.ac.uk) for details. Residential accommodation is limited to 75 places.

For applications please read the instructions under "How to apply" and use the electronic application form provided on this website.

EU Grants: Grants from the European Commission‘s Sixth Framework Programme are available for participating researchers, especially those with less than ten years experience. These EU-Grants cover travel expenses, enrollment fees and living expenses (hotel and catering). Any of the above booking arrangements can be fully covered by the grant. For more information please consult the EU-Grant information on this website.

Introduction Conference Topic Target Group and Call for Papers Venue and Bookings Programme Proceedings
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

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