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co-ordinated by the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability

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EASY-ECO Training on Evaluation of Sustainability of
Development Assistance Projects and Programs

27 September - 1 October 2010
Czech Republic Country Office of the Regional Environmental Centre (REC), Prague, Czech Republic

This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
EU FP6 Marie Curie

The sixth and last training in the EASY-ECO 2008-2010 series of events will take place in Prague, the capital of Czech Republic. The training, hosted by the Czech Country Office of the Regional Environmental Centre, will provide a possibility for young researchers to enhance their knowledge and competences in evaluation of sustainability, particularly in relation to evaluation of development assistance projects and programs. In addition to a preceding 3-month e-learning course the training will offer three real sustainability evaluation cases which will be explored in detail. RECThe training is sponsored by the EU Marie Curie Action, offering a grant covering all costs of participation to most of the participants. Deadline for applications has been set for 30 June 12 July 2010.

For further information on this training opportunity, please see the PDFPrague Training leaflet (PDF, 260 kB)

Training phases: e-learning and on-site training

EASY-ECO Trainings explore key elements in evaluation of sustainable development such as roles  of evaluation in the policy cycle, aproaches to evaluation, stages of evaluation, methods and techniques to conduct evaluation, and evaluation markets. After attending one of the trainings, participants will be able to conduct actual evaluation projects as full-fledged members of an evaluation team. In addition, the trainees will be embedded in a thematic network of leading scientists and practitioners.

The online phase of the training, hosted by Research Institute for Managing Sustainability of the Vienna University of Economics and Business, will be held online from July 2010 to early October 2010.

The on-site phase of the training, hosted by the Czech Country Office of the Regional Environmental Centre, will be held from 27 September to 1 October, 2010, in Prague, Czech Republic.

The training is intended for young researchers and practitioners active in evaluation research or sustainable development. The cost of the training fee for the online phase is EUR 200 and for the on-site training EUR 250 (excluding travel and subsistence). EU-Grants are available for young researchers (with less than ten years research experience) to cover all costs (travel expenses, training fees, accommodation and living allowance).

Further information and application


EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

(c) 2004-2024 RIMAS — Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (co-ordinator)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
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