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co-ordinated by the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability

You are here: Home > Application


Please read the instructions under "How to apply" before starting with your online application.




If you have already created an EASY-ECO account and are familiar with the application procedure, please login here to apply for EASY-ECO events.


If you lost your password, you can retrieve it by email: Just enter the email-address you entered at registration, leave the password-field blank and click Login! Your password will then be sent to you by email immediately.

If you're new to EASY-ECO, please create an account by filling in Step 1 of the online application form (see below). You will then receive an email containing your registration details and a random password.

>> Create a new account

Continue your application by selecting the conference or training course you wish to apply for (please consult the deadlines table at 'How to apply' for open applications!).

4 steps to online application

Step 1 Register by providing your personal data
Start your application by creating an EASY-ECO account. After finishing Step 1, you will receive an email containing your registration details and a random password. This enables you to come back to apply for another event without having to fill in your personal data again.
Step 2 Select the event(s) you wish to apply for
Continue your application by selecting the Conference or EASY-ECO Training you wish to apply for. Registered users may start directly with Step 2 to apply for an(other) event. Please note that each application is limited to one training course within the EASY-ECO Series.
Step 3 Fill in the data relevant for your participation in the chosen event(s)
Provide information about booking, payment method, paper etc.
Step 4 Submit accompanying documents
Don’t forget to send the additional documents (e.g. curriculum vitae) necessary for completing your application for the chosen event(s).


EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

(c) 2004-2025 RIMAS — Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (co-ordinator)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Franz Klein Gasse 1
A-1190 Vienna
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