EASY-ECO Budapest Conference
Thematic outline
Stakeholders are increasingly empowered, engaged and have an impact
on social expectations, new market tendencies and consumers preferences.
New stakeholder activism influences corporate affairs and the traditional
pyramid of corporate authority is often replaced by a sphere of cross-scrutiny
and corporate transparency demanded by external stakeholders. Stakeholders
are influential forces in partnerships between corporations, governments
and NGOs.
The relevance of stakeholders’ influence is shaping also the
evaluation agenda. Sustainable development has become a prime example
of multi-stakeholder strategies. Evaluating local, national and supranational
programs of sustainability is a task in which the impact of stakeholders
is a key variable. Yet we have rather limited knowledge of how to measure
the impact of various stakeholders on sustainability projects, not to
speak about their impact on corporate strategies, competitiveness and
corporate responsibilities. A particularly challenging task is to evaluate
the impact of stakeholders on business sustainability. The primary focus
of the Budapest conference is to contribute to this relatively less-researched
field of sustainability evaluation.
Invitation for contributions
We encourage
- researchers from all disciplines (including young researchers),
- professionals
from related fields of work,
- commissioning agents, and
- evaluation
users and other stakeholders
to submit abstracts for presentations
at the EASY-ECO Budapest Conference 2009 that touch on stakeholder
management perspectives or CSR perspectives in the context of sustainability
evaluation as outlined above until 15 May 2009 31 May 2009 (extended deadline!). More specific topics
are outlined below. Please indicate in your abstract explicitly which
topic you want to address with your contribution.
Key topics
The thematic outline given above can be specified with the following
key topics. Submissions can address one or more of the key topics in
general terms or in the context of a case study.
- Stakeholder theories:
How do latest developments influence evaluation practice?
- Multi-stakeholder
strategies and competitiveness: Challenges for evaluation
- Corporate
stakeholders: CSR and accountability of corporate boards and management
– evaluating changes in corporate governance
- Labour stakeholders:
Assessing employee satisfaction, the impact of legislative changes,
international agreements and voluntary codes of conducts (such as the
Global Compact)
- Consumer stakeholders: Evaluating the impact of consumer
satisfaction and changes in consumer preferences: Responsible and ethical
companies, green products and fair trade
- Community and NGO stakeholders:
Assessing their impact on corporate practices
- Researchers as stakeholders:
Developments in evaluation methodologies
Submission of abstracts and timeline
Participants who wish to present a paper, poster or case should send
their abstracts by 15 May 2009 31 May 2009 (extended deadline!) to Katalin Hárskuti (harskutik@ceubusiness.org)
and a copy to Peter Hardi (hardip@ceubusiness.org).
Please clearly indicate
which of the key topics outlined is being addressed by your contribution. For easier file handling, please send your abstracts as text files (.doc,
.pdf, .rtf) with the file name “your last name_abstract_Budapest.doc”.
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words.
The organizers will inform you
about the acceptance of your abstract by 30 June 2009. This is also the
date until which we will inform those applying for an EU grant about
the award of the grants.
Full papers (max. 6.000-8.000 words) should
be submitted until 31 August 2009.
Types of contributions
Papers – Are you a researcher or practitioner and
want to present interesting findings linked to the topics above? We look
for contributions facilitating the exchange of research results, methodological
trends, and practical experience. Presenters of papers will be expected
to give a presentation of about 20 minutes followed by a short discussion.Please
send your abstract by 15 May 2009 31 May 2009 (extended deadline!).
Accepted abstracts and full papers
will be published among the online proceedings on the EASY-ECO website.
Best papers will be considered for publication in an edited volume
published by Edward Elgar.
Posters – Conference participants may submit
a poster for display at a dedicated space at the conference venue.
The posters will be introduced in a poster session. If you would like
to submit a poster dealing with a topic relevant for the conference,
please provide a poster abstract by 15 May 2009 31 May 2009 (extended deadline!). The abstract will
be published among the online proceedings on the EASY-ECO website.
Case studies – Interesting examples of SD evaluations
are welcome to be presented as a paper if the case has a strong link
to CSR or stakeholder involvement issues and topics of interest outlined
here (case studies without this linkage are welcome as poster presentations).
Case studies
for EASY-ECO Trainings – Furthermore, we are looking for evaluation
projects which can be used as case studies, lectured by one of the
members of the evaluation team in one of the upcoming EASY-ECO training
courses on SD evaluation. If you are an experienced evaluator and interested
in lecturing such a case study to young researchers and present your
case at the conference, please have a look at the dedicated
call for cases and get in contact with michal.sedlacko@wu-wien.ac.at.
This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
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