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Introduction Conference Topic & Call for Papers Local Organizer Venue & Bookings Programme Proceedings

EASY-ECO Budapest Conference

The Venue

The conference will be held at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary.

Move your mouse over the map below to see further information about the different locations (venue and hotels). If you click on a specific location, you will be taken to an interactive map on Google Maps. Further details (including complete address, phone and fax numbers, and website) can be found in this document: PDFVenue and hotels (PDF, 160 kB)

Map of Venue & Hotels


To register for the EASY-ECO Budapest Conference please fill in the online application form. We recommend an early registration as places are limited.

Conference registration: 400,- €

Until September 1, 2009, we offer a 30% discount for early registration (i.e. 280 ).

In addition, we offer a discount on multiple registrations from the same organisation or company:

  • For 2 persons from the same organisation: 20% (i.e. 320 per person, 224 for early registration)
  • For 3 persons from the same organisation: 25% (i.e. 300 per person, 210 € for early registration)
  • For 4 or more persons from the same organisation: 30% (i.e. 280 per person, 196 € for early registration)

The conference registration includes the conference fee, conference folder, welcome cocktail for grantees, lunches, reception and dinner on Saturday, and refreshments during the conference; not included are: meals during the informal meetings, dinners except on Saturday, social programmes, travel and accommodation

EU-grants available: EASY-ECO is organised under the Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses action of the European Community‘s Sixth Framework Programme. One of the aims of the programme is to enable leading researchers and practitioners to share their experience with those who are new to the field. Therefore grants are available for researchers with less than ten years working experience to cover travel expenses, the conference registration fee, accommodation and living allowance. For further details on eligibility and application for EU grants, please see EU grants (Please note that the deadline for applications for EU grants is already over).

Please note that registration becomes effective after payment of the registration fee or approval of the EU grant only:

The Conference fee can be payed in Euro (€) either

  • by credit card (Visa & MasterCard) by following this link: https://www.ceubusiness.travelonline.hu/index.aspx

    When filling in the form, please
    (1) enter your name, country and email-address in both the "Sponsor" and "Student" sections,
    (2) select EASY-ECO in the "Program chosen" pull-down menu,
    (3) select Conference fee in the "Pretense" pull-down menu, and
    (4) enter the respective amount of the conference fee (see above).

    You will then be directed to a secure site to process your payment.

  • by bank transfer. The account details are:

    CEU Business School

    IBAN code: HU64

    Please indicate in the "note" or "payment details" field the following:
    EASY-ECO Conference fee


Introduction Conference Topic & Call for Papers Local Organizer Venue & Bookings Programme Proceedings
This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
EU FP6 Marie Curie

Gala dinner: MTA Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1051 Budapest, Roosevelt tér 9 Starlight Suiten Hotel Mérleg H-1051 Budapest, Mérleg utca 6 HOTEL CENTRAL BASILICA***superior H-1051 Budapest, Hercegprímás utca 8 Starlight Suiten Hotel Madách H-1075 Budapest, Madách tér 2 INTERCONTINENTAL BUDAPEST H-1052 Budapest, Apáczai Csere J. u. 12-14 Venue of the conference: CEU Central European University H-1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 9
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

(c) 2004-2025 RIMAS — Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (co-ordinator)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Franz Klein Gasse 1
A-1190 Vienna
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