EASY-ECO Saarbrücken Conference
CEval is an academic institute affiliated to the University of the Saarland.
It contributes to the development of evaluation research and to intensifying
the implementation and usage of evaluations. The Center for Evaluation
contributes to the further development of evaluation research and to the
reinforced implementation and usage of evaluations by
- formulating theoretical and methodological foundations and subject-related
academic standards for the evaluation of programs and projects
- providing education and continuing education for target groups working
on evaluations (researchers, consultants, users etc.)
- consulting public and private organizations on their evaluations
- implementing evaluations
- promoting professional information exchange
- arranging conventions, meetings and workshops
On the basis of an interdisciplinary approach to research, CEval holds
manifold methodological competences. The regional orientation ranges from
the local level (e.g. evaluation of modernisation of bureaucracy in rural
districts) over the national level (e.g. evaluation of projects of Federal
Ministries) to international contexts (e.g. evaluation of projects of
development aid).
Direct contact to the organizers is possible by easy@ceval.de.
All information concerning the conference is also available on www.ceval.de/easyeco.