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Introduction Training Theme & Target Group Course Structure Venue & Bookings Training Host Resources

EASY-ECO Saarland Training

Training Host

CEvalThe Center for Evaluation is an academic research institute affiliated to the University of the Saarland. It contributes to the further development of evaluation research and to the reinforced implementation and usage of evaluations by:

  • formulating theoretical and methodological foundations and subject-related academic standards for the evaluation of programs and projects
  • providing education and continuing education for target groups working on evaluations (researchers, consultants, users etc.)
  • consulting public and private organizations on their evaluations
  • implementing evaluations
  • promoting professional information exchange
  • arranging conventions, meetings and workshops

For further information please visit www.ceval.de. For further questions on the EASY-ECO training in Saarland, please contact:

Dr. Wolfgang Meyer
Centrum für Evaluation (CEval)
Universität des Saarlandes
Postfach 151 150
D-66041 Saarbrücken
Tel.: ++49-(0)681-302-4358
Fax: ++49-(0)681-302-3899
E-mail: easy@ceval.de


Introduction Training Theme & Target Group Course Structure Venue & Bookings Training Host Resources
This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
EU FP6 Marie Curie Saarland Spielbanken
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

(c) 2004-2025 RIMAS — Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (co-ordinator)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Franz Klein Gasse 1
A-1190 Vienna
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