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EASY-ECO Bratislava Training

21st – 30th September 2005
Institute for Public Administration
REC Slovakia, Slovak Republic

This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
EU FP6 Marie Curie UNEP

The first training within the EASY-ECO 2005-2007 programme is being organised by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe - REC Slovakia.

The EASY-ECO Training explores key elements in sustainability evaluations. Participants will gain knowledge applicable in practice and will be able to conduct actual sustainability evaluation projects after attending the training. The EASY-ECO Bratislava Training will be a great chance to meet an international team of renowned trainers and also serve as an excellent networking opportunity!

Bratislava Training brochure (PDF, 569 kB)

The EASY-ECO Bratislava Training will last a full ten days with an attendance of around 35 participants. Early application for EU-Grants and for the training is highly recommended. For applications please read the instructions under “How to apply” and use the electronic application form provided on this website.

The training will be preceded by a virtual training phase, which begins with selection of the participants from all applicants (10th July). Applicants will be asked to confirm their participation in the training and to pay a deposit of 50 €. During this phase, participants will have access to teaching materials and to short descriptions of case-studies dealt with during the Bratislava training.

The Bratislava training itself will comprise a morning core-course with a series of afternoon case-study practical sessions. This will be followed by a virtual training component following completion of the Bratislava training. The core course comprises a series of high-quality lectures given by experienced international trainers focusing on such themes as evaluation standards, sustainable development, market situation, participation, theory-based evaluation, evaluation design, data analysis and communication. Each afternoon the course shifts its focus to practical, case-study sessions, during which participants have the opportunity to work hands-on alongside the case-owners and to apply the content of core-course materials studied in the morning sessions. Participants are given the choice of working on evaluation case-studies focusing on:

  • International and EU policies and programmes
  • National policies for sustainable development
  • Regional and local activities for sustainable development (LA 21 etc).

In groups of 10-15, participants will work with the case-owner and will be supported by a scientific tutor throughout the duration of the training.

The training will be concluded by a three-month virtual follow-up phase, during which participants will work on their own papers for submission at one of the later conferences, with the full support of the case-owners and the scientific tutors.

For further details on the aims of the training, or for further information concerning administrative details (e.g. bookings, accommodation), please contact:

James Grellier
Email: rec@changenet.sk
Tel.: +421 5263 2943
Fax: +421 5296 4208
Mob.: +421 910 261 617

Continue looking through this website to find out about:

Introduction Training Theme Target Group & Course Structure Venue & Bookings Getting There Resources
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

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