EASY-ECO Bratislava Training
EASY-ECO Concept
EASY-ECO 2005-2007 is a training and conference programme on evaluations
/ impact assessment in the specific context of sustainable development.
The topic is important because (i). evaluations support institutional
reforms and good governance in knowledge-based societies, (ii). Europe
is positioning itself as advocate of sustainable development and (iii).
Sustainability evaluations are different from conventional evaluations
and require specific training opportunities.
Theme of the Bratislava Training
The modern Slovak Republic is an interesting example of a country recently
subject to the process of EU expansion. As the EU expands to embrace its
ten new member states (NMS), these countries – including Slovakia
– find themselves the focus of EU policy and economic interest.
Slovakia, along with the other nine NMS, and incorporating initiatives
in the new neighbour states and developments in countries to the east
and south of the EU, plus economic partnerships with developing countries,
is undergoing a process of significant new developments in public policy
formulation and decision-making. These EU-supported developments include
placing a greater emphasis on evidence-based decision-making, better governance
and administrative reform, and the adoption of sustainable development
as an overarching objective for public policy. Evaluation is playing an
increasingly important role in all these areas; impact assessment is increasingly
a more important tool. This applies to the European Commission itself,
to the national governments, local government, NGOs and the private sector,
in EU member states and beyond.
All new EC directives and major policy initiatives are now subject to
the Commission’s recently introduced procedures for preliminary
and extended impact assessments. The EU has commissioned sustainability
impact assessments of trade policy, both for WTO agreements and for regional
trade agreements in the Mediterranean and elsewhere. Its directive on
strategic environmental assessment is now in force, requiring SEAs of
development plans in all member states, as well as the earlier directive
for environmental impact assessment of development projects.
Most member state governments have introduced regulatory impact assessment
procedures for their own policy-making processes, and candidate countries
are being encouraged and assisted to do the same. The EC’s development
assistance programmes and those of member states, as well as the EU’s
internal structural funds, are also subject to impact assessment or evaluation
procedures, including ex-post assessment of the effectiveness of the assistance
given. Similar techniques are being used by local governments through
Local Agenda 21 initiatives, and by private sector corporations in sustainability
reporting and environmental management systems.
This increasing use of impact assessment as a tool for strengthening
public policy-making and its integration with corporate responsibility
presents many challenges. The need for better evidence in decision-making,
for greater civil society involvement in governance, and for closer alignment
of policy with the goal of sustainable development, is well understood
in principle, but less readily applied in practice. Innovative techniques
are required, the accumulating experience needs to be shared, and a greater
degree of coherence needs to be developed. In many areas, policy-making
processes themselves need to be adapted, to make more effective use of
the evolving techniques.
What lessons can be learned from experience in each field of application
that are relevant to others? What techniques developed in different areas
can be applied successfully in others? In what ways do approaches need
to be different in different areas, in order to meet specific needs, and
to complement each other in their separate contributions to an overall
goal? Can common principles be identified which help to achieve this?
The training in Bratislava aims to focus on assisting young people
working or studying in the sustainability and/or evaluation field particularly,
but not exclusively, within the CEE region to develop their skills in
answering these questions and building their own capacity in the evaluation
of sustainability. The virtual pre-training and follow-up phases
allow for solid preparation, continued personal development and extended
networking opportunities, especially when combined with the participation
at one of the conferences.