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co-ordinated by the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability

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EASY-ECO Bratislava Training


The complete EASY-ECO program will bring together senior academics and young researchers, policy-makers, impact assessment and evaluation practitioners, and commissioning agents, from the expanded EU and other countries, to share their experiences and gain greater insight into the prospects and challenges of using impact assessment/evaluation approaches to strengthen sustainable development in the European region and beyond. The Bratislava Training will specifically be focused towards bringing together young researchers with evaluation practitioners as well as local and international experts in the field.

Those applicants who fit into the definition of ‘young researcher’ will be entitled to full funding from the EU. Please see the page on EU-Grants for more details on eligibility, and please read the information carefully.

Course Structure

The training will be preceded by a virtual training phase, during which participants will have access to teaching materials and to short descriptions of case-studies dealt with during the Bratislava training.

The Bratislava training itself will comprise a morning core-course with a series of afternoon case-study practical sessions. This will be followed by a virtual training component following completion of the Bratislava training. The core course comprises a series of high-quality lectures given by experienced trainers focusing on such themes as evaluation standards, sustainable development, market situation, participation, theory-based evaluation, evaluation design, data analysis and communication. Each afternoon the course shifts its focus to practical, case-study sessions, during which participants have the opportunity to work hands-on alongside the case-owners and to apply the content of core-course materials studied in the morning sessions. Participants are given the choice of working on evaluation or impact assessment case-studies focusing on:

  • International and EU policies and programmes
  • National policies for sustainable development
  • Regional and local activities for sustainable development (LA 21 etc).

In groups of 10-15, participants will work with the case-owner and will be supported by a scientific tutor throughout the duration of the training.

The following timetable shows the curriculum for the Training Course. More details on trainers and subjects are available here.

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Core courses

morning class

Understanding sustainable development and fields of application

Peter Hardi (Can) /
André Martinuzzi (A)

Types and standards of evaluations

Thomas Widmer (CH)

Stakeholder involvement and participation

Clive George (UK)

Market situation of sustainability evaluation in CEE

Expert from the Host country

Individual support

Informal activities of trainers and young researchers

Case training

afternoon class

Analysing call for evaluation Developing quality checklists for case analysis Stakeholder analysis and involvement strategy Developing an evaluation design
Training Objectives Paradigmatic orientation, market overview Professional ethics, paradigmatic orientation Complementary skills, political sensitivity Market overview, political sensitivity Networking, individual scientific support
  Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Core courses

morning class

Theory-based evaluation and policy analysis

Frans Leeuw (NL)

Evaluation design and data collection

Wolfgang Meyer (D)

Data analysis, integration and valuation methods

Sigrid Stagl (A)
[Mario Giampietro (I)]

Communication of evaluation results

Andrea Burzacchini (I)

Get-together with local commissioning agents and evaluation professionals

Case training

afternoon class

Making an offer (including budgets)
Analysis of actual offer
Handling of quantitative and qualitative data Aggregating and analysing the data provided and discussion of possible judgements Deriving recommendations and communicating results to other groups
Training Objectives Theoretical and methodological knowledge Theoretical and methodological knowledge Theoretical and methodological knowledge Communication skills and political sensitivity Networking

The training will be concluded by a three-month virtual follow-up phase, during which participants can work on their own papers for submission at one of the later conferences, with the full support of the case-owners and the scientific tutors.

For further details on course content please do not hesitate to contact:

James Grellier
Email: rec@changenet.sk
Tel: +421 5263 2942

Introduction Training Theme Target Group & Course Structure Venue & Bookings Getting There Resources
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

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