EASY-ECO Krakow Training
5-14 September 2007
The Sendzimir Foundation, Poland
This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
The EASY-ECO Krakow Training is the fourth in the EASY-ECO 2005-2007
series of trainings and conferences, providing possibility for young
researchers to enhance their knowledge and competences in different forms
of evaluation and impact assessment of sustainability, and to collect
practical experiences from case studies. The training will
be hosted by the Sendzimir
Foundation in Poland and will take place from 5 to 14 Sept 2007. The
event location will be the Polish Academy of Sciences conference centre
in Krakow, Poland (only 15 km from the major city of Krakow).
Krakow Training
brochure (PDF, 462 kB)
The overall
effect of EASY-ECO will be to strengthen European sustainability at all
levels and to provide a stimulating educational programme for young people
working in the sustainability evaluation field. For
further details on the aims of the training, or for further information
concerning administrative details (e.g. bookings, accommodation), please
Tomasz Bergier
Tel.: +48126342914
Fax: +48126330717
e-mail: tbergier@agh.edu.pl
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