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Introduction Training Theme & Target Group Course Structure Venue & Bookings Training Host Resources
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EASY-ECO Lund Training


Name Nationality Organisation
Madhu Sudan AcharyaNepalDepartment of Roads, Nepal/ University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences(BOKU)
HAILEMICHAEL TAYE BEYENEEthiopiaAgriculture Sector Support Project
Tanja BürgAustriaSozialökonomische Forschungsstelle
DORIS CADARRomaniaTechnical University Cluj Napoca
Kewin ComploiItalyUniversity of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
Aíne ConaghanIrelandInstitute of Technology Sligo
Ingo CremerGermanyUniversity of Lueneburg
lorenzo di luciaItalyLund university
Carmen DienstGermanyWuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Irena DokicCroatiaThe Institute of Economics, Zagreb
Emmanuel DuganGhanaSoil Research Institute
Namy Espinoza-OriasBoliviaUniversity of Manchester
Loh EugeneMalaysiaUniversity of Teesside
buono fabriziaItalyEscuela Tecnica de Ingenieros Agronomos
Daniel FischerGermanyLeuphana University Lueneburg
José Carlos García-RosellFinlandUniversity of Lapland
Claudia GibisGermanyGerman Technical Co-operation GTZ
Caroline GildeaIrelandSligo Institute of Technology
Simone HeriSwitzerlandWorld Trade Institute
jakub isanskiPolandAdam Mickiewicz University
Dvorak JaroslavLithuaniaVytautas Magnus University
MARTIN OULUKenyaVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Valérie PattynBelgiumK.U.Leuven
Luz RamirezSpainMinistry of Inmigration and citinzeship of the Valencian Comunity / University of Valencia
Maria RibeiroPortugalEcologic
Holger Knut StengelGermanyKMGNE Kolleg für Management und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Entwicklung
Anna Insa VermehrenGermanyDeveron Arts
Johannes WahlmüllerAustriaUmweltdachverband
Horst WattenbachGermanyCouncil of Europe Development Bank
Silvia WeningerAustriaHilfswerk Austria
Alicja WeremiukPolandindependent consultant
Wilhelm ZwirnerAustriaVienna University of Economics and Business Administration



Introduction Training Theme & Target Group Course Structure Venue & Bookings Training Host Resources
Apply now! Application for the training and for EU-grants is open now!
This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
EU FP6 Marie Curie
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

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