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co-ordinated by the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability

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Introduction Training Theme & Target Group Course Structure Venue & Bookings Training Host Resources
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EASY-ECO Lund Training

Target Group

The target group of the training are young researchers (less than ten years of experience) with a strong interest in the areas of evaluation and/or sustainable development. Participants from the sustainability/evaluation field may be studying for their doctorates, working in a government department, in public administration, in NGOs, or for international organisations.

Importantly, EU-Grants are available to cover all costs (travel expenses, participation fees, accommodation and living allowance) for participants of this target group. Young researchers are highly encouraged to visit a conference, and then attend one of the EASY-ECO trainings, all of which can be covered by an EU-Grant. Ideally, participants will submit a paper on an aspect of evaluation of sustainability to one of the conferences following their training. Click here for full details on eligibility for grants.

Training Theme

Evaluation of sustainability of projects, programmes and policies is becoming increasingly important in all European member states. Most governments as well as the European Commission have introduced regulatory impact assessment procedures as part of their own policy-making. Environmental impact assessment (EIA), strategic environmental assessment (SEA), sustainability appraisal and other forms of evaluation are used to evaluate interventions in areas such as development assistance, infrastructural development, energy or EU‘s agricultural and structural funds. We consider evaluations as one of the key tools for transition to sustainability.

The six EASY-ECO trainings each provide an opportunity to enable 30-40 participants to develop practical competences to conduct actual sustainability evaluation projects and become members in a thematic network of leading scientists and practitioners. To this end, each training consists of a 3-4 month period of e-learning (with content identical for each training) and a one-week on-site training devoted to specific themes.

This training focuses on evaluation of programmes and policies in the field of energy and sustainable consumption. These themes will be linked with the following:

  • the roles of evaluation in the policy cycle (such as learning, accountability, improvement, capacity building, policy integration, participation and institutional change);
  • approaches to evaluation (such as utilization-focused evaluation, deliberative democratic evaluation or theory-driven evaluation);
  • stages of evaluation (from analyzing the tender through evaluation design to collecting, analyzing and aggregating data to communicating findings);
  • methods and techniques to conduct evaluation (including quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, participatory techniques, valuation and integration methods, indicators and indices);
  • political context of evaluation and evaluation markets.


Introduction Training Theme & Target Group Course Structure Venue & Bookings Training Host Resources
Apply now! Application for the training and for EU-grants is open now!
This EASY-ECO Series Event is sponsored by:
EU FP6 Marie Curie
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

(c) 2004-2025 RIMAS — Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (co-ordinator)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Franz Klein Gasse 1
A-1190 Vienna
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