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co-ordinated by the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability

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EASY-ECO Szentendre Training


The training is designed for a specific target group of young researchers (less than ten years experience) with a strong interest in the areas of evaluation and/or sustainable development. Participants may be studying for their doctorates, working in a government department, in public administration, in NGOs or for international organisations in the sustainability/evaluation field.

EU-Grants are available to cover all costs (travel expenses, participation fees, accommodation and living allowance) for participants of this target group. Young researchers are highly encouraged to visit a conference, and then attend one of the EASY-ECO trainings, all of which can be covered by an EU-Grant. Ideally, participants will submit a paper on an aspect of evaluation of sustainability for one of the conferences following their training. For full details on eligibility for grants see here.

Deadline for (up to 35) EU-Grant is on the 31st October!

Course Structure

The training starts with the three month pre-phase internet based preparation via the EASY-ECO website. The participants can have access to read the core materials to be prepared for the local training.

The local training, 25 January – 3 February 2006, Szentendre, combines the morning core-modules with afternoon case-study practical sessions. The core modules comprise a series of high-quality lectures given by experienced international trainers. Each afternoon the course shifts its focus to practical case-study sessions, during which participants have the opportunity to work hands-on alongside case-owners and apply the content of core-course materials. Participants are given the choice of working on evaluation/impact assessment case-studies focusing on international and EU policies and programmes; national policies for sustainable development; and regional and local activities for sustainable development (LA 21 etc). In groups of 10-15, participants will be supported by a scientific tutor throughout the duration of the training.

The following timetable shows the curriculum for the Training Course. More details on trainers and subjects are available here.

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Core courses

morning class

Understanding sustainable development and fields of application

Peter Hardi (Can) /
André Martinuzzi (A)

Types and standards of evaluations

Thomas Widmer (CH)

Stakeholder involvement and participation

Clive George (UK)

Market situation of sustainability evaluation in CEE

Expert from the Host country

Individual support

Informal activities of trainers and young researchers

Case training

afternoon class

Analysing call for evaluation Developing quality checklists for case analysis Stakeholder analysis and involvement strategy Developing an evaluation design
Training Objectives Paradigmatic orientation, market overview Professional ethics, paradigmatic orientation Complementary skills, political sensitivity Market overview, political sensitivity Networking, individual scientific support
  Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Core courses

morning class

Theory-based evaluation and policy analysis

Frans Leeuw (NL)

Evaluation design and data collection

Wolfgang Meyer (D)

Data analysis, integration and valuation methods

Sigrid Stagl (A)
[Mario Giampietro (I)]

Communication of evaluation results

Karolina Mikova (SK)

Get-together with local commissioning agents and evaluation professionals

Case training

afternoon class

Making an offer (including budgets)
Analysis of actual offer
Handling of quantitative and qualitative data Aggregating and analysing the data provided and discussion of possible judgements Deriving recommendations and communicating results to other groups
Training Objectives Theoretical and methodological knowledge Theoretical and methodological knowledge Theoretical and methodological knowledge Communication skills and political sensitivity Networking

During the three-month virtual follow-up phase, participants can work on their own papers towards submission at one of the conferences, with the full support of case-owners and scientific tutors.

Introduction Training Theme Target Group & Course Structure Venue & Bookings Getting There Resources
EASY-ECO | EvAluation of SustainabilitY - European COnferences & Training Courses

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